Caroline Van Hemert

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Well the forecasters were correct and an intense storm materialized overnight.  Listening to the weather radio makes us glad to be landlubbers today.  80 kt winds and  11 m seas don't mix well with small rowboats!  Even the ferries were cancelled today.  It's been an absolute deluge, and we expect more of the same as we head north.  The winds are supposed to diminish by tomorrow, however, so hopefully we'll complete our Vancouver Island leg and head across Queen Charlotte  Strait  to the mainland by Wednesday.  What a nice surprise to see Alan's post and photos, thanks so much!!  We have been incredibly fortunate to meet many wonderful, generous people thus far.  As we leave Vancouver Island in the next couple of days, we'll wave goodbye and hope to cross paths again. Our postings for the next couple of weeks will probably be brief as towns are sparse between Port Hardy and Prince Rupert and we'll be limited to satellite phone messages.  Thanks for all the support and thoughtful comments!